What is Troika of Modern Cyber System?

The troika of the modern cyber system is

  1. Digital economy:  Consumers spend more on internet commerce, high investments in digitally intelligent infrastructure and industries, job opportunities in the digital industries/businesses, exports and imports of digital products and digital services. 
  1. 4th Industrial Revolution:  Physical Systems, Social Systems, Enterprise Systems and Biological Systems are driven by Modern Cyber System. 
  1. Hyper Connectivism:  Real-time communication and collaboration among People to People (P2P), People to Things (P2P) and Things to Things (T2T) due to digital technologies 

Industries, government, society must embrace this troika of the modern cyber system to be relevant in the digital era. 
If you want to get more details on Troika of Modern Cyber System, please read the book titled Lean Digital Thinking – Digitalizing Businesses in a New World Order. Get the book from <<<Link>>

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