Modern Cyber System leverages the power of digital technology and attains extraordinary power by leveraging digital technologies.
Modern Cyber System impacts physical systems, social systems, business systems, and biological systems. The 4th Industrial revolution is nothing but bringing transformational changes in various systems as mentioned below:
- Industry 4.0 = Modern Cyber System + Physical Systems (Mechanical, optical, electrical)
- Society 4.0 = Modern Cyber System + Social Systems (Public health, Public Education, Governance, Infrastructure, Citizen Services etc)
- Enterprise 4.0 = Modern Cyber System + Enterprise Systems (Business models, processes, operating models, products, services etc)
- Biology 4.0 = Modern Cyber System + Biological Systems (Respiratory, nervous, digestive, brain etc)
If you want to get more details on 4th Industrial Revolution, please read the book titled Lean Digital Thinking – Digitalizing Businesses in a New World Order. Get the book from <<<Link>>